Stories and Credits

Now in 2025, Alf is releasing :

In The Wink Of Time 1, a CD single with 2 songs, BROKEN DREAMS & SIDEWALK SONG. This is part of a project series called IN THE WINK OF TIME.

continued below

Broken Dreams is a worthy follow up to the underground Garage Rock hit Bad Way To Go ( written by A.Delia aka Alf Rider Wolf). This introspective, navel-gazing, rage-fueled Rock n Roll tour de force was created at Studio Alf thanks to:

  • Victor Franco…Drums

  • Carl Annala…Guitars

  • Alf Rider Wolf…Vocals, Audio Engineering, Composition and Authoring

  • Little Freddie…Bass

  • Eileen Delia…Consultation and always has my back.

  • Alf Rider’s DaDa…This song was written for Alf Rider’s DaDa, a quintessentially 80s ground breaking rock band which consisted of many great artists to whom I will always be grateful. DaDa had 33 different artists at different times in the helter-skelter 80s. We played at Satyricon for 2 1/2 years and many other venues.

  • Brian Koelling…For the fabulous skateboarding cartoon of Carl Annala.

  • Actual Crazy

  • Cameo of “Stiv” Sharp

Sidewalk Song was described by Bruther Frank as “the swan song for The Bruthers”. It tries to describe the excitement and thrill of touring the east coast, being scouted by producer Robin McBride, being picked up for management by Sid Bernstein (who was assisted by Fred Delia) and being signed to RCA Victor. Also, it includes the navel-gazing and despondency factors attached to life in general and not becoming The Beatles. Thanks to:

  • Mik Delia…Drums (original recording from Rockland Recording. Thanks, Brian!)

  • WillowStar Delia…Vocals

  • Alf Delia aka Alf Rider Wolf…Vocals, Piano, Guitars, Composition and Authoring

  • Mary Smith…For WillowStar’s cover photo makeup

  • Julio…For the amazing retro cover cartoon of Mik Delia

  • Little Freddie…Bass